IC Conference
If you're passionate about investing and finance, want to expand your knowledge and network with renowned companies, this is the perfect opportunity for you. The IC Conference consists of three parts: the ISPC (exclusive to JAP attendees pitching a stock), three anticpiated keynotes and a networking lounge.

Welcome to the IC Conference
The event will take place on Saturday, 29th of April
at Alteburgstraße 150, 72762 Reutlingen on the campus
of Reutlingen University in building 17 (Pavilion).
We have designed the event to unite students with similar aspirations and inspire them through interacting with professionals from diverse backgrounds in the finance sector, as we believe that they are an integral part of their career decision-making. The conference includes the
International Stock Pitch Competition (ISPC)
three keynotes
and a networking lounge.
Have a glance at some of the participating companies...

... and other
Investment Clubs

Interested? Sign up for the IC Conference and enjoy an amazing event!
Sign up now if you are a
member of the ESB Investment Club who is not pitching a stock in the ISPC
student enrolled at Reutlingen University
member of an other Investment Club from BVH
Note that due to limited capacity you have to be fast and secure yourself a spot:
first come first serve!
If you are lucky and your submission has been successful,
you will receive a confirmation email in the near future.
If you are participating in the ISPC you will automatically get a spot and do not need to sign up seperately!